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≡ Libro Free Become Your Ideal Self MethodWiseGuides Book 1 edition by Benjamin Sanders Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Become Your Ideal Self MethodWiseGuides Book 1 edition by Benjamin Sanders Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Download As PDF : Become Your Ideal Self MethodWiseGuides Book 1 edition by Benjamin Sanders Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Download PDF Become Your Ideal Self MethodWiseGuides Book 1  edition by Benjamin Sanders Health Fitness  Dieting eBooks

Do you have big plans for yourself, but don't know how to achieve your dreams? Then I wrote Become Your Ideal Self for you!

Inside you'll find a short, easy-to-follow, action plan that you can start using today, to launch you on your path of achieving your goals, and becoming the person you were born to be!

At just over 5000 words, this book describes a succinct, logical, and engaging process for self-betterment that follows the story of how I went from being a hopeless daydreamer, to an ambitious go-getter.

With techniques and action steps that you can start using right now, Become Your Ideal Self, is a powerful manual on how to achieve goals, with proven methods on how to beat procrastination, avoid distractions, boost your willpower, and live the life you were meant to live!

Become Your Ideal Self MethodWiseGuides Book 1 edition by Benjamin Sanders Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

The author admits that he never used to write his goals down, and all he did about his future was daydreaming. So he had only a vague idea about he wanted in life. I think many readers can appreciate that. So many of us have been or are there. But when he became motivated to make something of his life, he read a lot. From his research he pinpointed six most crucial themes to mold his life by.

His focus on “an Internal Locus of Control” is a good start. That leads you to accept responsibility for your outcomes in life. Most people have more of an “external focus of control,” which means they blame forces outside of themselves for what happens to them. Failure? With right focus you look for what you can salvage from failures. You take the small steps to rise from low points to high points in life.

After you learn the six themes, you then follow an action plan to develop habits to use them throughout life. That means right practice, which builds “Meta Habits." The author briefly explores these meta-habits. The biggest habit is “mindfulness through meditation.”

This is a concise book and you’ll want to investigate further into the principles presented. I wish the author had given more examples from his own life and possibly from a few others. But it’s an good introduction to improving oneself.

Product details

  • File Size 779 KB
  • Print Length 18 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date April 2, 2017
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B06Y123WXK

Read Become Your Ideal Self MethodWiseGuides Book 1  edition by Benjamin Sanders Health Fitness  Dieting eBooks

Tags : Become Your Ideal Self (MethodWiseGuides Book 1) - Kindle edition by Benjamin Sanders. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Become Your Ideal Self (MethodWiseGuides Book 1).,ebook,Benjamin Sanders,Become Your Ideal Self (MethodWiseGuides Book 1),Psychology Applied Psychology,Self-Help Personal Growth Success
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Become Your Ideal Self MethodWiseGuides Book 1 edition by Benjamin Sanders Health Fitness Dieting eBooks Reviews

Enjoyed reading this book, took notes and practices along the way. I liked how concise and to the point it was. Practical.
Simple, accessible, sensible, and a particularly good push towards self-examination and self-improvement.
It's a very useful book explaining some simple steps to overcome daily failures. I like it.
In "Become your Ideal Self", Benjamin Sanders has successfully condensed hundreds of hours worth of study into a clear, approachable booklet. While this material in this booklet isn't new, it is unique in its brevity. Sanders takes principles of deliberate practice and distills them into an 18 page text. "Become Your Ideal Self" provides a solid, level-headed starting point for anyone embarking on a journey of self improvement.
It's an incredibly short read, but I think that's a positive thing for this type of book. I read the book in one sitting in which I found everything easy to digest and sink in. My issue with reading books is simply sitting down and reading them for long periods of time, so I'm glad the author chose a very short format for this one. The topic is interesting enough, and it's good to know that other people face the same challenges as you do. Ben provides some solid options for getting over these challenges, and I'll be attempting them soon..
Most of this stuff you can find on any and every blog out there.
Build habits, eat your vegetables blah blah blah
This book is a great introductory read for anyone looking to become a better person (or rather, ideal version of their self, as the title states) and accomplish their goals. The author summarizes several critical themes for personal development and success in a way that is interesting, motivating, and easily understandable to the reader. This short, but effective guide is a great read for anyone who knows they want to change their life, but aren't sure where to start or may feel overwhelmed at first by a lengthier book. I would definitely be interested in any future writings from the author that perhaps go into further detail on some of the themes, but for a first "completed writing project"(as he discloses towards the end), this is very well-written and effectively laid out.
The author admits that he never used to write his goals down, and all he did about his future was daydreaming. So he had only a vague idea about he wanted in life. I think many readers can appreciate that. So many of us have been or are there. But when he became motivated to make something of his life, he read a lot. From his research he pinpointed six most crucial themes to mold his life by.

His focus on “an Internal Locus of Control” is a good start. That leads you to accept responsibility for your outcomes in life. Most people have more of an “external focus of control,” which means they blame forces outside of themselves for what happens to them. Failure? With right focus you look for what you can salvage from failures. You take the small steps to rise from low points to high points in life.

After you learn the six themes, you then follow an action plan to develop habits to use them throughout life. That means right practice, which builds “Meta Habits." The author briefly explores these meta-habits. The biggest habit is “mindfulness through meditation.”

This is a concise book and you’ll want to investigate further into the principles presented. I wish the author had given more examples from his own life and possibly from a few others. But it’s an good introduction to improving oneself.
Ebook PDF Become Your Ideal Self MethodWiseGuides Book 1  edition by Benjamin Sanders Health Fitness  Dieting eBooks

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